Working Compassionately with People who use Self Injury

Friday, 7 December, 2018 - 15:15
Central Bristol
Organised/hosted by: 
Self injury Support

This is a one day training course designed to develop participants’ knowledge and understanding of self-injury. The course will consider why people self-injure and what their needs might be, as well as how workers can provide helpful responses to self-injury. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own practice and identify some of the challenges that they might encounter when working with people who use self-injury. The training will explore how to manage these challenges and use strategies to help reduce self-injury and relieve distress of clients.

Learning objectives:

To clarify what we mean by self- injury and the life experiences, emotions and thinking that are commonly associated with self-injury

To have an opportunity to reflect on the range of feelings, attitudes and responses that staff/volunteers can have when in contact with an individual who is using self-injury and the implications in practice

To explore and identify the support that individuals who use self-injury find helpful and ways of putting this knowledge into practice

To increase knowledge about the range of evidence based strategies and approaches that can reduce distress and promote emotional wellbeing for individuals who use self injury and where services can be accessed

How to book: 

BOOK NOW through our website

Contact name: 
Self injury Support