Free webinars for charities looking to sell goods on eBay

eBay buying with credit card
29 June, 2020


Charity shops are inundated with second-hand stock donations at the moment, and social distancing rules have slowed the flow of customers, but selling goods online – using websites like eBay - is an increasingly popular way for charities to make money.

You can now take part in one of two free webinars from Charity Connect and eBay (one webinar for the 800+ UK charities already using the platform, and another for those who are new to it). You’ll learn how to get your listings right, generate interest and maximise sales.

Each webinar lasts 90 minutes, and you can sign up now for any of the following dates:

Though many charities used resale or auction websites long before coronavirus (and some bigger charities, like Oxfam, have their online shop embedded in their website), lockdown meant that buying online was the only way for customers to get their charity shop fix.

Rob Osterley, Chief Executive of the Charity Retail Association, has spoken about the “real need for a continued focus on e-commerce as a valuable income stream.”

Here’s why your charity or community group should consider selling goods online:

  • Not every cause has a bricks and mortar charity shop, but selling online means you can trade away from the high street and in a much smaller space.
  • Goods can be seen and bought beyond normal shopping hours. People can buy from you when it’s convenient for them - even in the middle of the night.
  • Would-be customers who can’t visit a shop in person can still support you.
  • You can often make more money for high value items than you would in the shop.
  • Volunteers who are more confident online than on the shop floor will enjoy getting involved. Play to their strengths; if they’re good at photography, they can take clear and eye-catching photos of the products, which is important for generating interest.
  • Last year, UK charities made £27million through eBay sales.

We all know it’s important to develop more digital skills in the VCSE sector, and this is a great opportunity at a very challenging time.

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