Digital Champion (Basic IT Support)

Age UK South Gloucestershire
Age UK South Gloucestershire
Closing Date: 
Tuesday, 2 January, 2024 - 12:00
Contract Type: 
Approx 1hr+ per week
Contract Details: 
South Gloucestsershire
Details of Role: 

We're a local charity working in the community to support people aged 50+, their families and carers. We want everyone to be able to love later life.

We live in an increasingly online world, with many vital services moving to become 'digital first'. Since the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of the internet has become even more critical, and for most people this has changed how they work, access services, maintain social contacts, and generally live their lives. While many have embraced digital technology, there are others who are less confident and at risk of being left behind.

Age UK South Gloucestershire's new Digital Inclusion project delivers a programme to tackle digital exclusion by providing ongoing support for people to increase and improve their digital skills including the provision of loan technology to those without access.

Being digitally included can help people carry out the activities that matter most to them. It can help them stay connected with family and friends, find activities and support, access essential services, and remain socially connected.

This role would involve delivering personalised digital support to people either 1:1 or in group workshops. Full support and guidance is offered to all our volunteers. 

How to Apply: 

Email Amanda Sweetland at for an application pack or for further information. 

Contact Person: 
Amanda Sweetland
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
01454 411 707
Postal Address: 
67 High Street Thornbury Bristol BS35 2AW