Join the Voscur Board of Trustees

8 November, 2021

We are looking for skilled and enthusiastic people, from a range of backgrounds to join the Voscur Board of Trustees. In particular we want to hear from individuals with experience and skills in marketing and PR, digital and technology innovation and financial planning/business development/enterprise to further strengthen the skill set of our Board.  

We want to encourage nominations from members of groups that are underrepresented at leadership level in the VCSE sector and currently under-represented on our board: Black, Asian and other Ethnic communities, people with disabilities, males and non-binary/other genders and young people.  

Charities and social enterprises need strong, compassionate leadership. Local voluntary, community organisations are key to healthy, happy, functioning, fair communities everywhere. This has been demonstrated very clearly over the last two years when the VCSE sector stepped-up to meet the challenges of the pandemic. As an integral part of Bristol's communities for nearly a quarter of a century, Voscur is keen to ensure it continues to be led by a diverse range of trustees. We want to recruit people who will inspire us, and challenge us so we can continue to support the city's VCSE sector to the high standards we are known for.  

So now, in the run up to our Annual General Meeting in November, we hope you will consider applying to join the Voscur Board as we work to guide the sector towards their goals and ambitions in supporting their communities.  

Please take a few minutes to read our Trustee Recruitment Pack and if you would like to have an informal discussion with our Chair, Lin Whitfield or CEO, Sandra Meadows, please contact Tom Dewey to arrange this first step via email or call 0117 909 9949.