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Voscur membership

We invite you to join Voscur's membership of nearly four hundred voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations based in or operating in Bristol. Voscur is led by its members, who shape the direction of our organisation and are entitled to a vote at our Annual General Meeting. Membership is governed by our Memorandum and Articles of Association.

To sign up for membership, just create an account then complete the online membership form. The cost of membership depends on the income of your organisation - FREE for organisation with under £10k per annum income. You can pay online or via invoice and bank transfer. 

Benefits of Voscur membership

  • Being stronger together
    Our members are part of a network of hundreds of voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations in Bristol and the Southwest. This leads to opportunities for collaborating, co-ordinating services and sharing skills.
  • Discounts for attending Voscur learning and development events
    Our members benefit from discounts on the price of learning opportunities and other Voscur events.
  • Discounts for job advertising via Voscur’s website, e-bulletin and social media
    Our members receive a significant discount on job adverts.
  • Fundraising support
    Grants Online Local enables our members to search for and identify relevant grant funding sources through our own dedicated portal.
  • Free advertising for your events
    Voscur members can advertise their local events by adding a listing to the website (standard fee: £15).

Membership eligibility

Voscur membership is for Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise groups that:

  • Are based in Bristol or the West of England and are actively delivering services to individuals or communities in these areas.
  • Support Voscur's core values.
  • Are accountable to their members (for example because they are a registered charity, Charitable Incorporated Organisation, Community Interest Company, trust, charitable company limited by guarantee, unincorporated association, community benefit society, cooperative).
  • Are independent (for example, are independently registered and constituted in Bristol or the West of England)
  • Are not for private or personal profit.

Membership price options

The cost of Full Membership depends on the size of your organisation.

  • Organisations with low/no income £0 - £10,000 annual income - FREE
  • Organisations with £10,001-£50,000 annual income - £50 +VAT
  • Organisations with £50,001-£100,000 annual income - £65 +VAT
  • Organisations with £100,001-£250,000 annual income - £85 +VAT
  • Organisations with £250,001-£500,000 annual income - £110 +VAT
  • Organisations with £500,001-£1million annual income - £150 +VAT
  • Organisations with over £1million annual income - £250 +VAT

Voscur membership lasts for one year and is renewable annually - join Voscur as a Full Member.

Voscur also offers membership services to Individuals and Affiliates

Individual Members

Individuals who support Voscur’s core values and work can also become full individual members. 

  • Individual members should be based in Bristol or the West of England and do not need to be part of an organisation/group.
  • Individual members are also required to support Voscur’s core values

Becoming an individual member costs £50 + VAT, lasts for one year and is renewable annually. For applications, please contact Voscur Admin at info@voscur.org

Voscur Affiliates

Organisations or companies that work in collaboration or partnership with Bristol’s VCSE sector (for example, public sector organisations, national organisations or groups based outside Bristol and the immediate surrounding areas) can also join Voscur as Affiliates. Affiliates are not entitled to a vote at Voscur's AGM.

Voscur Affiliate status costs £75 + VAT, lasts for one year and is renewable annually - join Voscur as an affiliate.