You might find it useful to engage with a Network or Peer Network to help progress the work of your organisation.
Networks are groups of people and organisations that come together to share ideas, information, issues and solutions around a common theme, a particular interest group or a particular area. Peer Networks are peer-led, which means they are run by the people who take part in them.
A peer network for CEO’s of charities registered in Bristol, hosted and facilitated by Voscur. Meeting monthly online, for people to bring information or issues as well as seeking peer advice and support.
To join email
There are currently three networks for people working in North, East or South Bristol who have a focus on community development. Network meetings for each area occur every 2 months and are hosted by a different person/venue each time.
You can add your email to the contact list, which is facilitated by Voscur.
A network created for women working or volunteering in the VCSE sector in Bristol. Regular meetings for peer support, hosted and facilitated by Voscur.
To join email
A partnership related to the new Integrated Care System (ICS). In summary, the VCSE Alliance is looking to strengthen the collaboration between VCSE sector organisations and the health sector. Taking advance of VCSE expertise and how they are embedded in communities who experience inequitable health outcomes.
To find out more information click this link to go to the VCSE Alliance page.
Voscur and WERN co-host and facilitate the network, meeting regularly with community transport providers across the BNSSG area. The purpose of the network is to collaborate, share insight and come together as one voice to work in a strategic joined-up way.
If your organisation is a community transport provider and wants to get involved, please email us at
Hosted by UWE and facilitated by Voscur, this network meets quarterly and offers support for anyone who manages or coordinates volunteers in the VCSE sector across Bristol. The meetings often feature a main speaker followed by an opportunity to share ideas, find out about development opportunities and network with colleagues.
You can add your email to the mailing list here to hear about the upcoming Volunteer Organiser’s Forums:
The network provides opportunities for strategic collaboration and information sharing across both the play and youth work sectors. The network recognises the crossover between children and young people and we value the opportunity to come together and talk about common interests.
Sign up to the mailing list here