Identifying Skills You Didn't Know You Had (Free workshop for individuals in recovery)

Wednesday, 11 March, 2015 - 10:30 to 12:00
Bristol Drugs Project, Brunswick Court, Brunswick Square, Bristol, BS2 8PE
Organised/hosted by: 
Volunteer Bristol - Sustain Project

Part of the Moving From Volunteering Into Employment free workshop series for individuals with a history of drug or alcohol problems.

Identifying Skills You Didn't Know You Had
Many people assume that certain experiences will prevent them from working. This session will explore common barriers to finding paid work, and give you information and tools to help overcome them.
Places are limited so booking is required.
You can book on to all of the sessions, or just the ones that feel most useful for you. Everyone who attends will receive an attendance certificate and signposting factsheets. If there is anything we can do to make it easier for you to come along please let us know.
How to book: 

For more information or to book a place call Yaz on 0117 989 7734 or email

Contact name: 
Yaz Brien
0117 989 7734