Spring of Hope Daytime Support Assistant Volunteer

Closing Date: 
Wednesday, 31 January, 2024 - 23:00
Contract Type: 
Part Time
3 hours per week
Contract Details: 
6 months (Minimum period we ask applicants commit to volunteering)
Details of Role: 

We have an urgent need for female volunteers to support the work of Spring of Hope women's centre.

Can you give your time to help provide refuge and support to women who are experiencing, at risk of, or recovering from homelessness?

Spring of Hope Women’s Centre offers short term support and refuge to women in Bristol, who are homeless and vulnerable.

Spring of Hope is a non-commissioned referral service, providing shelter, short-term accommodation, and hope for women in their moment of crisis, when they have nowhere else to go.

The team of staff and volunteers advocate for women, walking alongside them to help them get to a place where they are able to engage with specialised agencies who can offer longer term support.

Find out more about the work of Spring of Hope on our website: inhope.uk/our-activities/spring-of-hope/


Volunteering hours: Mondays (excluding bank holidays), 10:30am – 1:30pm, once a week or fortnightly

Typical tasks/activities for Daytime Support Assistant Volunteers include:

  • Ensuring that Spring of Hope is ready to receive guests. This will involve changing the beds and washing and drying the bed linen.
  • Welcoming women into Spring of Hope and supporting them to access supplies (including toiletries and clothes), shower facilities and laundry.
  • Organising donations.
  • Checking there is enough milk, bread and food available and in date, and if not, re-stocking.


Please see the attached role description for more details!

How to Apply: 

To apply, find the role on our volunteering page at inhope.uk/get-involved/volunteer/ and click "Apply here"