Trustee (Law and Social Policy Lead)

Plus Importance Project
Closing Date: 
Friday, 1 March, 2024 - 09:00
Contract Type: 
Details of Role: 

The Plus Importance Project is a newly registered charity that improves understanding and inclusion of people in the + of LGBT+, defined as “sexualities, gender identities and sex characteristics including, but not limited to, asexual, genderfluid, genderqueer, intersex, non-binary, pansexual and queer”.

We provide training and support to organisations, educate the public and conduct research on identities in the +.


Trustee (Law and Social Policy Lead)

As our Law and Social Policy Lead, you will oversee aspects of our work such as our responses to local and national consultations and the charity's official positioning on certain topics. You will also share your expertise in this area with the other trustees to help them make informed decisions.

As a Trustee, you will also ensure the charity delivers on its vision and keeps to its values. The Board of Trustees are both jointly and individually responsible for the governance and strategic direction of the charity, its financial health and its activities in accordance with our governing documents and legal and regulatory guidelines.

This role requires a time commitment averaging 1-2 hours per week, including attendance at monthly Board of Trustee meetings (in Bristol), meetings with the Founder and other ad-hoc meetings.



  • Ensuring the charity complies with its governing document, charity law and other relevant legislation and regulations
  • Ensuring the charity is financially sustainable in both the shortterm and long-term and does not spend money on activities that are not part of its charitable objects
  • Contributing to the strategic direction of the charity, setting overall policy, defining targets and evaluating performance
  • Safeguarding the good name and values of the charity and managing risks
  • Overseeing and supporting the charity’s responses to local and national consultations
  • Establishing the charity’s official positioning on topics such as education, sport and healthcare
  • Ensuring that all trustees are aware of any relevant laws and policies when making decisions
  • Supporting the wider work of the Plus Importance Project


Person Specification


  • Experience and knowledge of law and/or social policy
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Skills in scrutinising details and problem-solving
  • Passion for the work of the charity
  • Personal or professional interest in the work of the Plus Importance Project
  • Able to offer at least 1-2 hours per week


  • Experience of being a charity trustee or a similar role overseeing the management and administration of an organisation
  • Ability to scrutinise financial budgets and processes
  • Knowledge of LGBT+ topics, particularly regarding identities in the + of LGBT+ and how this applies to law and social policy


We particularly welcome applications from people that have lived experience that is currently underrepresented on our Board of Trustees, such as people who are Black, Asian, intersex or aromantic.

How to Apply: 

To apply for this role, please email our Founder Matt Humberstone (he/him) on by 9am on Friday 1st March with a CV and cover letter detailing your interest and suitability for the role.

Contact Person: 
Matt Humberstone (he/him)
Contact Email: