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Learning Partnership West

Through an intense focus on children, young people and adults and based on a financially sustainable income generation model, LPW will be the best at promoting learning, play and work to support communities, particularly those threatened by disadvantage and inequality.
LPW is here to transform lives, identify at-risk children, young people and adults, to support them with exceptional play opportunities, positive intervention, education and training, and routes into work. We work from adventure playgrounds, parks, youth centres and other community facilities and where necessary, the home. LPW Engagement Workers support children and young people with both one-to-one and group programmes, always seeking the views of our users to make sure we’re meeting their needs.
Bristol Youth Links (BYL) is a service LPW delivers in partnership with Bristol City Council that supports children and young people from ages 8 – 19 and 8 – 25 for those with learning difficulties or disability. It offers activities, engagement, mentoring and support for targeted groups of young people across Bristol.
LPW delivers the September Guarantee on behalf of Bristol City Council. LPW works to identify which 16 and 17 year olds do not have a suitable offer to progress into education, employment or training for the September academic year. Once identified, LPW work closely with those young people, to ensure we can find an offer that is suitable for them.

LPW also operates our own Independent School, delivering an exceptional alternative learning programme for year 10 and 11 learners who’ve lost their way at school.
Learners attend small learning centres in newly-refurbished premises in north central (City Learning Centre near Broadmead) and south central (Bedminster Learning Centre). The learners’ timetables are built around their needs and we develop our curriculum to reflect their different interests and abilities. Learners are given the opportunity and encouragement to achieve a number of nationally recognised qualifications, including English GCSE, maths GCSE, ICT GCSE through EDCL, science progress towards GCSE, Functional Skills in English and maths, Art and Design BTEC, and ASDAN Employability certificates.

Activity types: Advice services, Community development, Education/Training/Learning, Employment, Play, Young peoples' services
Areas of Bristol served: All areas of Bristol,
Income: more than £500,000
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