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Schools Out, Henleaze

School's Out, Henleaze is a non-profit making organisation which provides after school and holiday childcare for up to 48 children. Our aim is to provide quality childcare in a safe, welcoming and stimulating environment for as low a cost as possible. We are registered with, and regulated by, OFSTED. During the school holidays the play scheme runs from 8.30am - 5.30pm. Children from all schools are welcome to attend, providing they have first been registered with the scheme. To find out more please see our website: and to register and book go to

Based at Henleaze Infant and Junior school we have access to all the green space which enables lots of sporting and play activities. Each week of a school holiday is themed around a particular topic, from the seasonal, such as Christmas, to space and film. A typical week includes one off-site visit to a tourist attraction such as Puxton Park, Cadbury World and maybe a trip to the local cinema and local parks as well as days full of fun play and activities. Past on-site activities include drama workshops, indoor Olympics, outdoor survival skills, quad bikes and even flamingo croquet!

Activity types: , Play, Public & Green Spaces
Areas of Bristol served: not specified
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