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Telephone Helpline - Tel: 0845 458 2914 or 0117 9166461. The Helpline provides confidential support for women in distress with specific support and information for women experiencing domestic and sexual violence.

Opening hours:Monday to Friday 10 am - 12 noon
Tuesday & Wednesday 1pm - 3pm
Monday & Tuesday 8pm - 10pm

Befriending: Volunteers provide regular support for women who are isolated and suffering from enduring mental health problems. Offered to women living in South Gloucestershire via a referral from a support worker or health care professional.

Group Psychotherapy: Weekly on-going therapy groups where women can work through difficulties at their own pace and fixed-term groups focusing on specific issues.

Counselling Services: General counselling for women, specialist counselling for Deaf women and for refugee and asylum seeking women with an interpreter. Outreach therapy services at Knowle West Health Park for women who've experienced rape and sexual abuse and general counselling for women and children.

Womankind also offers fee paying counselling and therapy groups.

Please see the website or make contact via the helpline for further information and how to access any of the aforementioned services.

Activity types: Care Services, Counselling, Education/Training/Learning
Areas of Bristol served: All areas of Bristol,
Income: £100,001-£500,000
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