VCSE Directory

This is the VCSE Directory, a comprehensive listing of Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations in the Bristol area. If you don't see your own organisation listed, you can add your organisation to our directory.

Displaying 171 - 180 of 807 organisations. Show 5 | 10 | 20 | 40 | 60 results per page.


Bristol U3A (Bristol University of the Third Age) was started in 1983. We are a "university" in that we cover a universe of interests including Science, Art, Computing, Philosophy, History, Languages, Music, Mathematics, Walking and Textile Skills as well as a variety of games like Whist, Scrabble, Bridge and Mah Jong. Unlike a university we have no entry qualifications and, better still, no examinations. The total emphasis is on self-help education and social activity in the... More

Activity types: Arts, Music and Culture, Education/Training/Learning,
Areas of Bristol served: not specified

Our goal is to make women’s equality a reality in Bristol. We do this through campaigning, connecting, and celebrating.

Activity types: Campaigning, Community development, Education/Training/Learning, Networking, Women's services
Areas of Bristol served: All areas of Bristol,

At Woodcraft Folk we believe passionately in equality and co-operation – everyone is welcome to join our groups.

Every week thousands of volunteers and young people meet in school halls, community venues and a host of other places to learn about big ideas through fun activities like singing, playing and debating.

Our aim is to have great fun, but also to try and develop children’s self-confidence and build their awareness of society around them.

Through our activities,... More

Activity types: Young peoples' services
Areas of Bristol served: not specified

Bristol Zoological Society is a conservation and education charity which runs Bristol Zoo Project.

We save wildlife together, through conservation science research, working to protect species and habitats overseas, encouraging sustainable behaviours and perceptions, educating tomorrow’s wildlife warriors and connecting people with nature through a great day out.

Our conservation science efforts are worldwide, from helping to re-introduce white-clawed crayfish into UK rivers to... More

Activity types:
Areas of Bristol served: All areas of Bristol,

The British Lung Foundation is the only UK Charity working with everyone affected by lung conditions. We support peole affected by lung disease through their individual challenges they face. We help people to understand their condition by providing comprehensive and clear information on paper, on the web and on the telephone. We work for positive change in lung health by campaigning, raising awareness and funding world class research. We run a network of patient support groups called... More

Activity types: Advice services, Campaigning, Health, Support & Development
Areas of Bristol served: All areas of Bristol,

The British Polio Fellowship is a national organisation, see the web site. "The British Polio Fellowship is a charity dedicated to helping, supporting and empowering approximately 120,000 people in the UK living with the late effects of Polio and Post Polio Syndrome (PPS), a neurological condition. It provides information, welfare and support to those living with the effects to enable all to live full independent and... More

Activity types: Advice services, Support & Development
Areas of Bristol served: All areas of Bristol,

We are renowned as a provider of high quality housing, care and support for older people in the South West.
We provide a variety of services that help people to stay living in their own homes.
Our purpose built care homes provide an attractive and comfortable environment for specialist nursing and dementia care.
We are widely recognised for our expertise and excellence in caring for people living with dementia, and supporting their families.

Activity types: Care Services, Housing/Homelessness
Areas of Bristol served: All areas of Bristol,

Community-led wildlife group with the aim to inspire and empower the community to become green space custodians by:
• Improving habitats,
• Monitoring wildlife, and
• Spreading the word by raising aware of our wildlife at a neighbourhood level!

Activity types: Education/Training/Learning, Environment/Sustainability, Public & Green Spaces,
Areas of Bristol served: Specific areas (wards) of Bristol,

The SCDA is a membership organisation and exists to provide resources, facilities and expertise locally to improve the quality of life for the local community in the Bedminster/Southville area of South Bristol. This it does by networking with and forming partnerships with other local organisations and through the Southville Centre, a major community asset managed by SCDA. Services directly provided include childcare, work with socially isolated older people, cafÈ and catering. The Centre... More

Activity types: Advice services, Arts, Music and Culture, Care Services, Community development, Community safety, Education/Training/Learning, Play, Trading, Young peoples' services
Areas of Bristol served: Specific areas (wards) of Bristol,

Business in the Community is the main employee volunteering programme in the U.K. Employees give their time and skills to local charitable and not-for-profit organisations free of charge to help the communities in which they live and work.

You can get help through the Cares programme, which provides free make-over's for your premises or gardens, and ProHelp or Skills Bank with employees, including lawyers, architects , HR, business development, etc. who give their time and... More

Activity types: Advice services, Community development, Employment, Education/Training/Learning, Young peoples' services
Areas of Bristol served: not specified
