This is the VCSE Directory, a comprehensive listing of Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations in the Bristol area. If you don't see your own organisation listed, you can add your organisation to our directory.
Registered (Non profit) Provider of Social Housing (Supported Accommodation) and related support services, Drugs & Alcohol, Domestic Violence and Other Vulnerable Adult Services.
Circles Network is a UK wide voluntary organisation based in Warwickshire, renowned for building inclusive communities on the foundations of justice, advocacy, empowerment and friendships.
Working with people of any age who are isolated or at risk of isolation, this organisation has ground breaking expertise in the development of Circles of Support, Independent and Collective Advocacy, Person Centred Planning and Inclusion into the mainstream of life. Working in highly creative,... More
FE and HE education in Circus
Community engagement in circus and arts
Public class programme for adults and children in Circus
Theatre and performance
Events and hires space
Supports witnesses attending court
Provides free, impartial advice and information on a range of issues including: Benefits, Debt, Housing, Employment, Consumer and Family.
City Funds is a place-based investment fund for Bristol that invests in organisations that are targeting the causes and effects of inequality in the city. Primarily, this means we invest in four priority areas: Economic Inclusion, Community Initiatives, Environmental Transformation and No Child Goes Hungry (reducing food poverty). We can invest from £50,000 up to £1 million, depending on the type of the project and the experience of the leadership team. We use mixed funding to help design... More
Clean Slate offers support and training to help people become financially better off, find work and make the most out of being online.
Clearer Minds will source and build micro homes for the homeless. Also provide a space where they can grow/ build things to sell. A shop with a café will be provided for this.
Developing a project to restore and open a heated open air community swimming pool. Cleveland pools is the oldest surviving public pool in the UK dating from 1815. It is listed grade II* and part of the Bath World Heritage Site. The project is applying for a stage II HLF grant and will include historic interpretation as a core part of the project.
Brings people together around books, secondhand donated books and provides a space for people to get together in the evenings.
The Trust has two roles: It manages, conserves and preserves the Clifton Suspension Bridge, a Grade 1 listed Bridge and Monument. The Trust is also responsible for the Clifton Suspension Bridge Visitor Centre that interprets the history of the bridge, how it works and the many stories and events surrounding it. The Visitor Centre has two full time members of staff and 56 volunteers who help run the building, the education programmes and events that the Centre offers. The Centre offers free... More
Clinks supports, represents and campaigns for the Voluntary and Community Sector working with offenders. Clinks aims to ensure the Sector and all those with whom they work, are informed and engaged in order to transform the lives of offenders. More information on our local work can be found here:
Co-operative and Community Finance provides loans to co-ops and other social economy enterprises throughout the former Avon area. These include registered or incorporated workers, marketing and community co-ops and community businesses.<br><br>It provides user-friendly support and Advice to clients and is therefore especially suitable for new and existing social economy enterprises. Loans of £5,000 to £50,000 are available and in some circumstances it is able to... More
We are a theatre company that makes work about social issues working with communities to create them. At the moment we are working on a site-specific production about domestic violence staged in a residential house. We have been working extensively with the charity Survive and with women who have experienced domestic violence to record their stories which we are making a verbatim text out of. We aim to make work for people who do not normally go to the theatre and have strong marketing... More
Community Care Connect is a localised approach to building care and support networks that enables communities themselves to play a vital role in meeting the care and support needs of the people that live there.
We support third sector organisations, social enterprises and carer-led start-ups to upscale their impact by developing viable new Carer Introduction Services that match people seeking care or support at home with self-employed and directly employed Care or Support Workers and... More
We are a social enterprise working across the community public and private sector, promoting new ways of meeting, engaging, collaborating, participating, co-designing and co-creating. We use the income generated through our work with larger organisations to subsidise our work with the grassroots.
We are Community Organisers, Participatory Group Process Designers/ Facilitators, Graphic Artists, Campaigners, Researchers and Trainers using cutting edge social technologies such as "... More
Curo Choice delivers Community Connectwhich is a service which supports people over 50 by identifying ways to improve their lives and signposting them to other agencies when appropriate. Our support may include creating groups in the community, and enabling them to re-connect to their neighbourhood and become less isolated.
We provide educational classes, advice services, employment support, social opportunities and signposting, advocacy and counselling services,
We run and manage Filwood Community Centre. It is base to Filwood Sports and Social Club, The Knowle West Health Association and Kepping kids Company (from 1/1/13)
Mentoring for CEO's, Board development around strategic planning and governance