Evidence and Impact Award
This award is for an organisation that has used open data, public information, evidence or research to increase the impact of their services (e.g. by improved focusing/targeting) and/or demonstrate the value of their work (e.g. by evidencing the social value they deliver).

This award will be decided by a judging panel.

The winner will be announced at the Voscurs Awards Ceremony on Thursday 31 January 2019. Click here for more information and to book your place.

Nacoa (National Association for Children of Alcoholics) | Young Bristol

Nacoa (National Association for Children of Alcoholics)
Tell us about the open data, public information, evidence or research that they created or used:

Nacoa provide:-

A free national telephone, email, letter and message board helpline. A Helpline Review 2001-2015 determined the helpline has been contacted a quarter of a million times, three quarters of a million website visits for the past 15 years and Nacoa has had over one million contacts in the last 15 years (phone, email and website).

Communications programmes which include information files for parents, young people, teachers and professionals to help them to recognise a child in need and how to help. Nacoa regularly visit schools and support services to give talks and issue information packs.

Awareness raising programmes and volunteer media panel

A website providing information and advice for everyone affected by a parents drinking and people concerned for their welfare.

Research programmes which include a volunteer research panel creating a strong fact base to its work.

Young Bristol
Tell us about the open data, public information, evidence or research that they created or used:
This year Young Bristol have introduced a brand new system called VIEWS to record data and help evidence our impact. Prior to this, data was captured using paper registers and there was no central management system. The charity now records information about their network of  youth clubs,  land and water based activities,  National Citizen Service (NCS) programme and Instructor Training Scheme (ITS). Data on each young person's attendance and involvement with the programmes is recorded along with where they live, their ethnicity and any medical issues or other issues which may affect their behaviour at any given time. Next year Young Bristol will also record key outcomes for young people such as an increase in confidence, self esteem , self efficacy, and resilience as well as  an increase in activity levels or healthy eating. They will be able to record these outcomes and track young people's progress throughout the weeks.

Further information about each nominee that was provided at the nomination stage will be shared with the judging panel.

This award will be decided by a judging panel.

The winner will be announced at the Voscurs Awards Ceremony on Thursday 31 January 2019. Click here for more information and to book your place.

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