Food justice: a citywide partnership

Image Credit: 
Feeding Bristol
29 September, 2021

One of the inequalities that COVID has shone a light on locally is also one of the most basic: access to food.

Over the past 18 months, a wide range of groups and organisations have contributed to the city’s food response during the pandemic. However, as the challenges of Brexit, the end to the £20 Universal Credit uplift and the end of the furlough scheme, amongst others, maintain pressure on households, Feeding Bristol are reaching out to organisations to get an update on current activities across the city. Share the latest from your group by completing their short survey.

This update is part of ongoing work to monitor food provision in the city, undertaken by Feeding Bristol, Bristol City Council and FareShare. The aim of this is to map provision and identify potential gaps and issues, as well as creating opportunities for sharing best practice and networking opportunities. 

Improving intelligence, especially about areas of the city under greatest pressure, will help to ensure resources go to where they are most needed. For further information, contact Feeding Bristol directly.