This is the last of four online engagement events from Bristol City Council, covering the Bristol Impact Fund consultation. At the event, Bristol City Council will explain the new information about a second Bristol Impact Fund, which would run from 2021-2025.

You can discuss the proposal, ask questions and share your input at this online event, held over Zoom.

Wednesday, 2 December, 2020 - 14:30 to 16:00


This is the third of four online engagement events from Bristol City Council, covering the Bristol Impact Fund consultation. At the event, Bristol City Council will explain the new information about a second Bristol Impact Fund, which would run from 2021-2025.

This event is specifically aimed at voluntary and community organisations that are led by equalities groups, or that serve equalities groups. 

Friday, 27 November, 2020 - 10:00 to 11:30


This is the second of four online engagement events from Bristol City Council, covering the Bristol Impact Fund consultation. At the event, Bristol City Council will explain the new information about a second Bristol Impact Fund, which would run from 2021-2025.

You can discuss the proposal, ask questions and share your input at this online event, held over Zoom.

Tuesday, 24 November, 2020 - 11:00 to 12:30


This is the first of four online engagement events from Bristol City Council, covering the Bristol Impact Fund consultation. At the event, Bristol City Council will explain the new information about a second Bristol Impact Fund, which would run from 2021-2025.

You can discuss the proposal, ask questions and share your input at this online event, held over Zoom.

Friday, 20 November, 2020 - 10:00 to 11:30
Bristol Impact Fund text with view over central Bristol
17 November, 2020


Bristol City Council has opened a public consultation on a proposed second round of the Bristol Impact Fund, for 2021-2025, which will continue to tackle inequalities in the city. The council is seeking responses from voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations, equalities-led groups, and members of the public, and it will hold four online engagement events where you can discuss proposals and ask questions. 

Senior woman in winter coat indoors
12 November, 2020


The Winter Support Fund, from St Monica Trust, has grants of up to £1,000 available to charities, community groups and social enterprises that support older people, so that support can continue through the winter months. 

Your organisation may have spotted a specific local need in your community, or you may want the grant to go towards buying equipment so that your activities and services can carry on in the months ahead. 

Future cut-off points for applications are at midday on: 

Black-led social enterprise
28 September, 2020

As part of a commitment to tackle racial inequality, PwC has launched a small to medium grants programme for social enterprises that are Black-led or charities that benefit ethnic minorities. 

Funding of £2,000-25,000 is available, depending on the scale, activity and impact of your social enterprise or charity's work. 


A full-scale policy conference with a range of influential keynote speakers, this event will cover COVID-19 response in the VCSE sector, communicating the value of our work, policy and regulation, data protection and fundraising innovation. 

Wednesday, 14 October, 2020 - 08:30 to 13:00
Man looking out of window thinking
22 September, 2020


Small grants are now available for community mental health organisations and mutual aid groups in Bristol to spend on projects that support local people's mental health and wellbeing. The grants have been funded by Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (BNSSG CCG), through Bristol City Council. 

Finance pound coins
8 September, 2020


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