Finance pound coins
8 September, 2020


Advertorial content created by CFG, for Voscur

Website homepage
3 September, 2020


The Fat Beehive Foundation is offering grants of up to £2,500 to small charities to improve their digital presence. Money can be spent on website development and other digital projects that may be hard to fund but have a genuine social impact.

Priorities for funding are charities that focus on:

Mother and baby health and wellbeing funding
2 September, 2020


The government has launched a Health and Wellbeing Fund to support VCSE organisations working with mothers and babies from Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities or deprived neighbourhoods. 

Money will go towards community projects that improve perinatal mental health, learning and speech and language development or immunisation rates, or projects that prevent low birth weight, obesity and/or smoking. The aim of the funding is to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities. 

1 September, 2020


The National Lottery Community Fund (NLCF) has so far made awards worth a combined total of £140.8 million to communities that need support during the coronavirus crisis. 

The funding is part of the £750 million of the emergency coronavirus support fund that was announced by UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak in April. 

The £140.8 million covers:  

2,546 awards totalling £75.6 million from NLCF budgets 

2,779 awards totalling £65.2 million using DCMS budgets – an increase of £10m in one week 

Charity donation tin
17 August, 2020


YouGov profiling has revealed the factors that make people more likely to donate to charity and, whilst age, religion and gender all play a part, the amount of disposable income does not.

This means having a higher amount of disposable income doesn’t make you more inclined to donate than those with less money to spare. In fact, people with £1-125 of disposable income were most likely to donate to charity in the next three months.

Community organisation meeting
27 July, 2020


The first round of the COVID-19 Community-Led Organisations Recovery Scheme (CCLORS) opens at 10am on Tuesday 28 July 2020. Grants of up to £100,000 are available to organisations led by the community that are facing financial difficulties due to coronavirus. 

Eligible organisations deliver community support and services to support people most at risk of COVID-19. There is an emphasis on supporting Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME)-supporting or BAME-led businesses.

22 July, 2020

The government has opened the Community Match Challenge – a match-funding scheme for initiatives supporting the coronavirus response.

Under the scheme, grant makers can apply for a share of £85 million, with grants expected to be in the range of £5–20 million; applications below £1 million will not be considered.


The COVID-19 Community-Led Organisations Recovery Scheme offers grants of up to £100,000 to community organisations recovering from the effects of coronavirus. Applications are particularly welcomed from organisations that support Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities. 

This webinar involves an overview of the grant application criteria and the application process, followed by a live Q&A. 

The scheme is run on behalf of the National Lottery Community Fund by Locality, Power to Change, Social Investment Business, and The Ubele Initiative. 

Thursday, 23 July, 2020 - 15:30 to 17:00
14 July, 2020



13 July, 2020


Small businesses in Bristol have until midnight on Sunday 19 July to apply for a small business discretionary grant.



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