Are you looking to raise funds for your charity or social enterprise through crowdfunding but not sure where to start or what a successful campaign looks like?

Crowdfunding is creating social, economic and community-led impacts across the UK, not only allowing communities and charities to raise funds, but also raising awareness and support to help make great ideas happen.

Tuesday, 17 September, 2019 - 13:45 to 16:00


The Real Photography Company, based in St. Paul’s Learning Centre, began as a group of local photographers who wanted to share their love of analogue photography and darkroom techniques. Founding directors Wendy Leocque and Ruth Jacobs spoke to Voscur about their journey to becoming a fully-formed Community Interest Company (CIC), a popular business model for social entrepreneurs. 

3 June, 2019


The number of organisations funded through Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR) was down by one third in the year 2017-18 according to new figures released by HM Revenue & Customs.

Only 20 social enterprises received investment through the scheme during the period, with £1.4 million in funds raised.

A business plan that people want to buy into

Is your business plan inward-looking or outward-focused? Does it explain what you do internally so it's clear to the team, or the impact you create in the community so it's clear to investors and funders? (Or both?)

Is it ambitious but not unrealistic? Is it practical but not pedestrian?

This session will focus on what an investable business plan really looks like.

(Further details to follow.)

Thursday, 19 September, 2019 - 10:00 to 12:30

This business plan template has been developed by the Key Fund as part of a programme to increase access to social investment.

Voscur is a delivery partner in the programme and all the organisations involved are encouraged to share tools and resources through a learning network to spread good practice and increase its overall impact for VCSE groups.

This simple self-assessment tool aims to help you think about your organisation's current strengths and gaps in relation to income sustainability and the potential you may have to seek social investment.

It has been developed as part of Voscur's 2020 project to support organisational sustainability through social enterprise and social investment in the south-west.

Voscur's 2020 project is bringing together organisations like yours from around the city to learn and grow together. We’ll be providing free training and one-to-one support to enable you to assess your development needs, produce an excellent business-plan and benefit from new income sources. We’re also building up a network that will give you the chance to share your experiences, challenges and solutions with organisations from other neighbourhoods working towards similar goals.

You can read more about the project here.

Tuesday, 5 March, 2019 - 10:00 to 12:00

At a time when so much is uncertain, especially Brexit, it can seem impossible to plan for your organisation's future; it's not as if you have a crystal ball. But that’s also an opportunity to take things into your own hands. The plan for Brexit will arrive from London via Brussels – in contrast, your business plan can be produced by you and your community.

So do you have a business plan? Do you know where it is? Is it in the back of a filing cabinet gathering dust? Is it 97 pages long and nobody’s ever read it?

Wednesday, 12 December, 2018 - 10:00 to 15:00

Social Enterprise UK is organising Social Saturday , which will be taking place on 13 October.  It is the time to get out there and support social enterprises - businesses who are making a difference to people's lives in the UK and right across the world.

Saturday, 13 October, 2018 - 09:00 to 18:00

Are you ready to kick start enterprising changes in your community?  Do you have an idea for a new project, social enterprise or community business and need help to get it off the ground? 

If so, Kick Start could be just what you need. It will help you to:

Thursday, 7 February, 2019 - 09:30 to Thursday, 14 February, 2019 - 16:30


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