27 February, 2024


20 February, 2024


UK charities, educational institutions and NHS Trusts seeking funding to support those under the age of 18 who are living with a mental health condition, disability or growing up in poverty can apply for funding through the Hargreaves Foundation.

20 February, 2024

Grants of between £500 and £1,000 will soon be available to registered charities across the UK to fund summer playschemes for children between the ages of 5-16 years. Charities with an annual income of less than £100,000 can apply for funding to run playschemes for a minimum of two weeks, or ten days during the summer holidays. Priority will be given to small, local schemes involving a large number of children especially those with disabilities or from disadvantaged backgrounds.

14 February, 2024


Voluntary, communication and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in England are being invited to apply to this £25.5m scheme.  It is part of the package of over £100m committed to the charity sector in the spring budget 2023.  Eligible organisations can apply for the cost and delivery of an independent energy assessment. Organisations with an energy assessment may then be eligible to apply for a capital grant to install the recommended energy efficiency measures. 

13 February, 2024


The Social Action Grant Programme is a fund from Bristol One City to support the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector. The aim is to support social action activities that achieve one or more of the following outcomes:

31 January, 2024

As part of its new funding strategy, Comic Relief has announced that it will be launching a new fund for organisations that are supporting refugees and asylum seekers in the UK and/or who are doing influencing work for safer routes and improved outcomes for people affected. The opportunity will be for organisations that are already working in this area. Information about the funding and the application process will be made available in February 2024.

23 January, 2024

Charities, social enterprises, and private companies can apply for funding for projects and activities that help to create fairness and sustainability in the economy. The funding is being made available through the Friends Provident Foundation’s 4D Economy Grants to support the development of new economic ideas and approaches that push for and create a more just and sustainable economy based on the four D’s : Diversified; Decarbonised; Democratised; Decentralised.

10 January, 2024

The King Charles III Charitable Fund has launched a new Small Grants Programme to support projects that will improve people’s lives and build sustainable communities across the UK. Each year, the fund will allocate grants of up to £5,000 to around 100 community-based organisations, including charities, community interest companies, and parish councils. The fund aims to support small-scale projects that have the potential to create substantial impacts within their communities, especially those that typically face challenges in accessing larger funding sources.

20 December, 2023

This grant programme aims to help charities and organisations to make an immediate impact for disabled people, by awarding funding to develop, expand and improve community transport options. Disabled people make 38% fewer journeys than non-disabled people every year – a figure that has not changed in a decade.

14 December, 2023


Grants from £15,000 to £50,000 are available to businesses and registered charities to install solar panels on their premises.

You can apply for a grant of up to 30% towards eligible capital costs of purchase and installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. The minimum grant request is £15,000 and maximum is £50,000. You will need to provide at least 70% match funding towards the project.


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