Loss of dedicated ‘charities minister’ a blow to sector

20 October, 2021 - 12:09

With ministerial responsibility for charities already in flux, many in the sector will feel that their ability to influence government has been further downgraded with Nigel Huddleston, who is already sport and tourism minister, now also taking responsibility for charities.


Does your Board of Trustees and leadership team reflect the community you serve? 

20 October, 2021 - 12:03

Diversity has been a hot topic for several years with organisations stating they intend to become more representative and inclusive, but progress hasn't always matched the rhetoric. There is much to be gained from a diverse board with a wide range of lived experience as well as a range of...

Surge in online sexual harassment whilst women worked from home during the Covid-19 pandemic

13 October, 2021 - 12:59

Do you and your team have the confidence to respond to workplace sexual harassment?

Every day, people across the UK are being sexually harassed at work. TUC research reveals that 1 in 2 women workers, 7 in 10 LGBT workers and 7 in 10 disabled women workers have experienced sexual...

Climate Action Bristol: get free help to plan and implement an organisational action plan

13 October, 2021 - 12:06

Do you want to help your organisation take positive climate action but can't find the time or resource to make a start? The University of Bristol can help. ...

Is your pension fuelling the climate crisis or helping to solve it? 

13 October, 2021 - 11:12

Delegates from across the world are gathering in Glasgow next month for Cop26 – the most important climate negotiations for a generation, probably ever. These leaders, based on our votes, have the planet’s future in their hands. Second to voting, however, there’s a strong argument that what we...

Mothers for mothers: happy 40th anniversary 

11 October, 2021 - 14:38

Mothers for mothers: happy 40th anniversary 

This year the Bristol based charity Mothers for Mothers celebrates 40 years of supporting women living with perinatal mental illness. 

Their story began with a group of women in then North Avon who had survived Post Natal Illnesses (PNI...

Belonging or bean bags: what are VCSE workers looking for in their jobs?

6 October, 2021 - 16:04

As employers open up offices again in line with pandemic restrictions easing, some organisations are feeling the need to offer incentives to returning workers. Having provided free snacks, pool tables, table football and cool, casual workspaces in the past, free ice cream and cash bonuses are...

Black History Month and stories of Black Bristolians from the 1500s onwards

6 October, 2021 - 13:04

The history of Black History Month

Did you know the UK event was founded in 1987 after the founder Ghanaian-born Akyaaba Addai Sebo, a special projects officer at the Greater London Council, had visited America in the 1970s and experienced the event there?...

...and did you know...

Black History Month gives opportunity to reflect on lack of diversity in VCSE leadership

4 October, 2021 - 10:16

As we mark the start of Black history...

People's Postcode Lottery Funding Opportunity

4 October, 2021 - 09:54

A new funding opportunity ...
